Gin, S., Yin, H., Boykin, C. M., & Sobel, D. M. (2024). Examining baseline relations between parent-child interactions, STEM learning, and engagement. Developmental Science. PDF


Boykin, C.M., Coleman, S.T., Hurley, E.A., Tanksley, G.N., Tyler, K.M. (2023) From Triple Quandary to Talent Quest: The Past, Present, and Future of A. Wade Boykin’s Contributions to Psychology. American Psychologist. PDF

Boykin, C.M. (2023) A Future Invitation to Legacy: Mentorship, Vision, and Affirmative Development. Black Radical Love: A new Black Reconstruction through the Thought & Activism of Edmund W. Gordon. Third World Press. pp. 19-27.


Fast, N. Cratsley, M.J., Rice, V., Boykin, C.M., Monroe-White, T. (2022)Proceeding with Caution: On a Thoughtful and Just Integration of Technology into Society. Academy of Management Proceedings.

Boykin, C.M. (2022) Constructs, Tape Measures, and Mercury. Perspectives in Psychological Science. PDF


Cratsley, M.J., Malle, B.F., Boykin, C.M. (2021) Realistic Group Conflict Between Humans and Robots: The Rise of Skilled Robots Workers Triggers Characteristic Negative Outgroup Evaluations and Judgement of Robots. TMS Proceedings 2021. PDF

Boykin, C.M., Dasch, S.T., Rice, V., Lakshminarayanan, V.R., Togun, T.A. (2021) Opportunities for a More Interdisciplinary Approach to Measuring Perceptions of Fairness in Machine Learning. Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization. PDF

Dupree, C.H., Boykin, C.M. (2021) Racial Inequality in Academia: Systemic Origins, Modern Challenges, and Policy Recommendations. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences. PDF


Boykin, C.M., Brown, N.D., Carter, J.T., Dukes, K., Green, D.J., Harrison, T., Hebl, M., McCleary-Gaddy, A., Membere, A., McJunkins, C.A., Simmons, C., Singletary Walker, S., Smith, A.N. and Williams, A.D. (2020) Anti-racist actions and accountability: not more empty promises. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. PDF

Dasch, S.T., Rice, V., Lakshminarayanan, V.R., Togun, T.A. & Boykin, C.M. (2020) Opportunities for a More Interdisciplinary Approach to Perceptions of Fairness in Machine Learning. NeurIPS 2020 Workshop: ML Retrospectives, Surveys & Meta-Analyses (ML-RSA). (See Boykin, Dasch, et.al. 2021 for PDF)


Boykin, C.M. & Smith, C.R. (2019) Motivations to control prejudice bias performance feedback in mentoring relationships. Personnel Assessment and Decisions. PDF

Ogbunu, C.B. & Boykin, C.M. (2019) Is there a Human Blueprint? Boston Review. PDF

Boykin, C.M. (2019) A case study in standardized testing preparation. In E. A. Armour-Thomas, C. McAlister, A.W. Boykin, & E.W. Gordon (Ed). Human Variance and Assessment for Learning. Chicago, IL: Third World Press. PDF

Lee, R. T., Perez, A. D., Boykin, C. M., & Mendoza-Denton, R. (2019). On the prevalence of racial discrimination in the United States. PLoS ONE. PDF

2018 & Earlier

Leitner, J.B., Ayduk Ö, Boykin C.M., Mendoza-Denton, R. (2018) Reducing negative affect and increasing rapport improve interracial mentorship outcomes. PLoS ONE. PDF

Smith, C.R., & Boykin, C.M. (2016). Religious Discrimination. In S.G. Rogelberg (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. PDF

Boykin, C.M., Mendoza-Denton, R., & Patt, C. (2015). Prejudice and stigma: Implications for student achievement and mentoring. In Ed. (C. Rubie-Davies), The Social Psychology of the Classroom International Handbook (pp. 93-101). New York, NY: Routledge. PDF

Boykin, C.M., & Morrell, E. (2012). Emerging voices in the future of education assessment: The Gordon Commission Fellows. Gordon commission works in progress, 1 (2), 3-6.